Our emotions and moods fluctuate every day, and despite that, we move on with our lives. Each person deals with their inner turmoil differently and overcomes these challenges at their own pace. However, for individuals with mental health conditions, every day is a challenging time to live. As a provider of psychiatric services in Humble, Texas, we help individuals with mood disorders manage their symptoms, such as bipolar disorder. We share with you the experiences that a person with bipolar disorder deals with every day:
- Mood Swings
Individuals with bipolar disorder experience extreme mood swings. Their highs and lows are extreme that they can create whiplash. These can range from periods of elevated mood, known as mania or hypomania, to episodes of depression.
- Mania/Hypomania
During manic or hypomanic episodes, individuals may feel euphoric, have increased energy levels, engage in impulsive behaviors, experience racing thoughts, and have a decreased need for sleep.
- Rapid Cycling
They may experience rapid cycling, characterized by frequent and rapid shifts between manic, hypomanic, or depressive episodes within a short period.
- Interpersonal Challenges
Bipolar disorder can impact relationships, as unpredictable mood swings and behavioral changes can strain interactions. It can also affect their career, growth, and personal endeavors.
- Stigma and Misunderstanding
Individuals with bipolar disorder may face stigma and misunderstanding from society, which can contribute to feelings of isolation and reluctance to seek help.
We advise you to not use the term ‘bipolar’ just because you feel like using it to describe your shift of mood every day. It’s a serious mental health illness that needs intervention and constant compassionate care. Our mental health wellness center in Texas supports every individual dealing with the symptoms of bipolar disorder in their journey to mental wellness.
Should you seek bipolar disorder treatment, contact Favor Healthcare Services LLC.
Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.